Human resources strategy It introduces strategies and promotion systems for utilizing human resources.
Creation of Safety-first Workplace It introduces our approach to occupational safety, initiatives, and results.
Promotion of Health Management It introduces our approach and initiatives for maintaining the health of our employees.
Promotion of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion It introduces our approach to promotion of diversity and inclusion, initiatives, and results.
Human Resources Development It introduces our approach to human resources development, and key initiatives.
Creating Employee-friendly Workplaces It introduces our approach to creating employee-friendly workplaces, and key initiatives.
Respect of Human Rights It introduces our approach to respect of human rights, and initiatives.
Improvement in Quality It introduces our approach to improve product and business quality.
Relationship with Suppliers It introduces our approach and initiatives on our relationship with suppliers.
Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors It introduces our initiatives on dialogue with shareholders and investors.
Social Contribution Activity It introduces our approach and key initiatives on social contribution activity.
Social Data It introduces Social results.