Human Resources Development

Basic approach

Futaba's human resources development policy is to "continue providing the framework and opportunities for education that will fulfill the human resources management strategy." To this end, we are continuing to implement the human resources development cycle (setting targets and giving roles; demonstrating capabilities and results; evaluations and feedback), and in order to support it, we hold OJT and OFF-JT sessions (various training programs) and training rotations (work transfers). In addition, we have defined the skills and capabilities required at each job level and expanding measures as well as providing training to acquire these abilities.

Human resources development cycle

Human resources development cycle

Training system (Non-consolidated)

Training system (Non-consolidated)

Amount of investment in education based on the training system *Excluding individual training at workplaces for clerical and skilled workers

FY 2020 2021 2022
Amount of investment in education (million yen) 138 136 148

Strengthening the development of global human resources

The Futaba Group has 15 group companies in eight countries around the world outside Japan, with a total of over 10,000 employees with diverse nationalities across the entire group. In this global business environment, Futaba is deploying measures to improve the English language abilities of all employees.
We are working to develop global human resources by providing self-development content, short-term intensive English training during working hours, and role-playing training for online meetings with overseas staff.
In addition, we have an overseas trainee system under which young employees are sent to our overseas subsidiaries for fixed periods of time. Under the supervision of local managers, the program aims to train employees in overseas business practices, global perspectives, and English communication skills, thereby promoting the development of human resources who will lead global Futaba in the future.

Developing human resources to equip them with digital skills

We promote the development of personnel capable of speedily transforming ways of working and changing operational processes by combining the TQM activities and digital technologies.
We are promoting training for management to enhance the company-wide promotion of DX while making improvements by using tools and introducing systems in business processes, as well as providing training in low-code application development and are accelrating development of personnel equip with digital skills.
We will work on company-wide in making overall operational processes optimal and proceed with developing human resource that are capable of making the shift toward high value-added work.

System to equip human resources with digital skills

System to equip human resources with digital skills

Content of initiatives

Developing human resources for monozukuri

To enhance monozukuri capabilities at production sites (i.e., to ensure high productivity, quality, cost reduction, etc.), Futaba works on improving skills of each skilled worker to promote development of personnel skilled for monozukuri and development of workplace.

Shop-specific training (maintenance shop)

In March 2022, we began offering shop-specific practical training in work operations at manufacturing sites. In these training sessions, highly skilled and experienced technicians acted as direct instructors, producing an environment in which employees could learn the rules and principles using actual machinery. At present, we are running four training sessions on the fundamentals of maintenance shops. Going forward, we will gradually expand the scope of training.

Monozukuri Training Center


We established the Monozukuri Training Center in 2010 with the aim of developing people and workplaces that are strong in monozukuri, and the development of artisans who excel in specific skills. We implement group training on safety, quality and the roles of each level, and special training for the improvement of skills with core technologies such as pressing and welding, and the acquisition of qualifications.

Futaba Skills Competition

Developing management human resources

In the belief that strengthening management at each workplace is the top priority for improving human capital, we conduct management training for managers. Each participant of this training will implement the business PDCA cycle to learn the management methods for effectively and efficiently achieving results. More specifically, they learn how to apply such practical methods as the HoRenSo Method [Reporting, Inform, Consult], Saihatsuboshi Method [Prevention of Recurrence], etc.. We put these methods into practice in clerical and skilled workplaces as the "Futaba way of working."
Based on the role of the manager, employees systematically learn the key points, from clarifying the mission and vision to fostering the workplace culture. In addition to the above, in FY2022 we selected and studied techniques for communicating with younger employees.