With the formulation of our new management system, we have also reviewed our previous Corporate Charter, Charter of Corporate Behavior, and Futaba Code of Conduct in light of changes in the times and business environment, and updated them into a revised Charter of Corporate Behavior and the Futaba Code of Conduct.
This update complements the original mindset of legal compliance and high ethical standards with the addition of the roles and actions that the Japan Business Federation (Keidanren) expects of corporations in the face of the environmental and social issues stemming from changing times (e.g., realizing a sustainable society, respecting human rights, and addressing climate change).
At the same time, the Charter of Corporate Behavior and Futaba Code of Conduct establishes the basic corporate stance and approach that form the foundation for carrying out initiatives in the context of the new management system.

Charter of Corporate Behavior
Our basic corporate stance concerning the mindset of legal compliance, high ethical standards, and addressing environmental and social issues is presented to all stake holders and establishes the role, stance, and actions the Futaba Group must adopt on a corporate level.
FUTABA Code of Conduct
The basic stance also defines the steps for implementing the Charter of Corporate Behavior, as well as the behavior and stance each and every Futaba Group employee must take for that mindset to become a day-to-day reality.