Open the way to the future and expand the value with every employee playing an active role
- 1. Changes in the external environment related to human resources strategy
Significant changes in the business environment have resulted in the Futaba Group's human resources strategy facing a major turning point. The decline in the working-age population and accelerated human resource mobility have sparked intensified competition among companies to secure human resources and diversification of career and work style-related values. In the Futaba Group, we need to rapidly respond to changes in business and operational processes due to the development of BEVs and response to carbon neutrality causing competition to intensify, changes in management strategy, and the spread of advanced technologies. We must also upgrade the skills and abilities of personnel who can devise solutions that exceed customers' and society's expectations. This is why the Futaba Group believes it necessary to formulate new human resources strategies and implement personnel policies to secure human resources by heightening job satisfaction, elicit the strengths of each individual, and raise organizational capabilities to capitalize on these strengths.
- 2. Basic approach to human resources, "Every employee plays an active role", and human resource issues
Therefore, we have adopted the basic concept regarding human resources, "Every employee plays an active role." If each individual is able to improve their capabilities by 10% or 20% and work with a sense of fulfillment, it will greatly boost the company as a whole. To remove the obstacles to this, we will implement personnel system reform to heighten job satisfaction, and we will undertake the human resources management reform to support growth.
(1) Personnel System Reform:
Creating a workplace environment where everyone can gain satisfaction from their work (comfort and job satisfaction)For each individual to make the most of their own ideas and abilities, it is vital for them to be in a workplace environment where they are satisfied with their job and are able to easily demonstrate their strengths. We acknowledge that, to this point, we have not succeeded in fully capitalizing on the strengths and ideas of our diverse workforce, and that we have not been able to raise our employees' job satisfaction.
These are attributable to the workplace culture of our vertically divided organization and the value system that prioritizes long working hours remain. Given this, by heightening psychological safety and providing flexible work styles, we have to create an environment and culture that facilitates the utilization of the ideas and capabilities of a diverse range of human resources. Therefore, by working to promote initiatives for safety and health, DE&I, respect for human rights, the creation of fair rules and systems, and the fostering of a comfortable workplace, we will work to build a foundation that will enhance job satisfaction and make it easier for each individual to accept challenges on equal footing.(2) Human Resources Management Reform:
Personnel development that supports individual growth and heightens sense of personal growthTo devise diverse solutions that surpass society's and our customers' expectations, while also transforming our business and operational processes, cross-organizational collaboration must be strengthened and diverse human resources must be fully leveraged. We recognize, however, that our current situation is inadequate in terms of internal human resource mobility and our human resource cultivation initiatives. In manufacturing in particular, many workers have experience at only one factory or in one occupation, so it is essential they are systematically trained to become multi-skilled workers. In certain departments, the specialization of work has delayed role and task standardization, and in some cases, slowed the speed of human resource cultivation. This is why we have begun hiring a diverse range of people while keeping an eye on overall optimization and the medium- to long-term perspective, identifying the human resources required to execute our strategies for each function, and systematically cultivating them. This will help us to secure human resources capable of thought and action, and support them in their further endeavors.

Framework and approach to promoting human resources strategy
Human Resources Strategy Committee
To bring our human resources strategy to fruition, the Human Resources Strategy Committee—with top management in attendance—shares specific issues and measures, and monitors progress. These activities are spearheaded by the CSO, in cooperation with the site heads of domestic and overseas Group companies and their respective human resource departments.
Under the Human Resources Strategy Committee, Succession Committees and the Personnel System Reform Promotion Committee have also been established to promote initiatives in their areas of responsibility. Succession Committees have been respectively established at the global, regional, and site levels to study and promote human resources development plans tailored to the unique conditions and issues of each region and site. The Personnel System Reform Promotion Committee discusses progress and issues related to all policies.
Strengthening human resources management to enhance global governance
- The Futaba Group operates a Global Succession Committee (GSC), which comprises members from Center Chiefs of the headquarters in Japan and above. The GSC promotes the selection and development of human resources to fill key positions related to global governance, as well as the organizational structure most appropriate for groupwide management. Moreover, Regional Succession Committee (RSC) and Local Succession Committee (LSC) meetings are held in each region with senior management from each company participating as members to formulate and execute succession plans for each of the companies and to systematically develop local human resources. The contents of the RSC and LSC discussions are shared with the GSC to systematically promote local personnel to key positions.
Overall picture of the human resources management strategy review process
To secure and maintain the human resources needed to bring our strategy to fruition, we will identify human resources issues, and study and implement measures to resolve them through the following processes.