Dialogue with Shareholders and Investors

Basic approach

We actively facilitate dialogue with shareholders and investors, aiming for sustainable growth and the improvement of corporate value.
The Board of Directors strives for developing and enhancing systems to promote constructive dialogue with shareholders and investors.
We manage IR activities with appointing a person in charge of IR in the General Affairs Division to work in collaboration with related departments including the Accounting and Finance Center and the Corporate Planning Center.
Regarding opinions and concerns captured in dialogue with shareholders and investors, we report to the Board of Directors and management executives as necessary to share recognized issues.

Communication with shareholders and investors

We strive to increase the number of shareholders attending our annual general meetings of shareholders, which we regard as a precious opportunity for constructive dialogue with shareholders. In addition, we hold semiannual one-on-one meetings with institutional shareholders to exchange views on ESG and other matters using the FUTABA Integrated Report. The views expressed there are shared with management executives.
For domestic institutional investors and analysts, we hold semiannual financial results briefings as part of IR activities, where the President and the Director responsible for accounting and finance present our management policy, growth strategy, and business performance. One-on-one meetings are also held every quarter after financial results are reported.
We will continue to ensure active communication with shareholders and investors, especially by providing timely, appropriate, and effective disclosures.

Main activities

Scope Overview
Individual shareholders and investors
  • ・Annual general meeting of shareholders
  • ・One-on-one interviews
Domestic institutional shareholders
  • ・Annual general meeting of shareholders
  • ・Financial results briefings
  • ・One-on-one meetings
Domestic institutional investors and analysts
  • ・Financial results briefings
  • ・One-on-one meetings
Overseas institutional investors
  • ・One-on-one meetings

External Assessment

Our initiatives and information disclosures on each of the areas of environment, social, and governance were recognized and selected by various ESG assessment organizations as constituent of domestic and overseas ESG indexes.
We will continue to strive to further strengthey our ESG activities based on the evaluation indices in these indexes.

FTSE Blossom Japan Sector Relative Index

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index