Promotion of Health Management

Basic approach

Futaba believes that strategically implementing initiatives to maintain and promote our employees' health is an "investment" for the future. To grow and develop toward the near future and continuously contribute to society, we set out the Health Statement in August 2022. In addition to the Company, the health insurance association and labor union have also signed the statement, indicating their commitment to fulfill each of their roles to enact initiatives to build the health of employees and create a company in which all employees can actively participate.

Health Statement

We consider our employees are members of Futaba family.
Employees' physical and mental health comes first for us to help each of them spend their daily life for many years to come and help them work positively.

For employees to stay healthy, we, Futaba, labor union, and health insurance association, hereby set out our Health Statement.

  • 1.Futaba will offer employees safe workplaces with a sense of reassurance and continue improving them.
  • 2.Futaba will proactively help employees promote their physical and mental health.
  • 3.Employees will try to improve their lifestyles to stay healthy.

Through these activities, Futaba will ensure employee well-being in harmony with society.

Promotion System

The Safety and Health Promotion Office serves as a secretariat. The health insurance association, labor union, occupational health physician and staff, and internal departments cooperate with each other to help employees solve their health issues.

Promotion system chart

Promotion System

Health management strategy

Health management strategy

*Basically, "health investment" and "indicators of the state of health investment measures" correspond 1:1. However, because there are some "health investments" that correspond to multiple "indicators of the state of health investment measures," those "health investments" are defined as "health investments related to various effects."

Certified as a Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization

Plans for key initiatives related to health management

Physical Implementation of prevention activities Establishment of the Health Challenge 8
Health events
Health education(group and e-learning)
Implementation of health guidance
Infection countermeasures(COVID-19 countermeasures, influenza vaccinations, vaccinations before overseas assignments, etc.)
Implementation of total ban on smoking on-premises and stop smoking support activities Total smoking bans on-premises
Internal stop smoking classes
Assistance related to stop smoking clinics, nicotine patches, etc.
Stop smoking promotion events(Stop Smoking Challenge)
Enhancement of health management After the fact measures
Health examination-related
Mental Implementation of prevention activities
(Self-care / line care)
Implementation of mental health education(group and e-learning)
Promotion of communication within the workplace
Interviews with new employees by industrial health staff, etc.
Establishment of health consultation windows
Workplace improvement support activities Workplace support based on stress check group analysis results
Enhancement of mental health support Support for returning to work(recommendation for rework)
Support by internal industrial health staff
Injury and illness leave data management

Current situation and issues

We identifies several health issues: the low number of people with regular exercise habits, the low rate of implementing proper eating practices (such as eating slowly), and the high smoking rate. These unhealthy lifestyle habits lead to serious diseases, which in turn result in decreased productivity and lower employee well-being, presenting significant challenges for our management.
We are taking a range of actions, including a high-risk approach such as work restrictions, and approaches that focus on improving lifestyles, such as health guidance by doctors and public health nurses to people other than those subject to specific health guidance.
From FY2023, we have been working on the Health Challenge 8 initiative company- wide to raise employees' awareness of their own health and establish healthier habits. Here, we have introduced a mechanism in which each department's health leaders take the initiative in calling on employees to build health habits.
We aim to improve health awareness among individuals and within the workplace, setting goals of 7.2% for the rate of individuals at risk for metabolic syndrome and 0.49% for the rate of high-risk individuals for diseases by the fiscal year 2025.

*1 Health Challenge 8: An initiative to maintain and promote health by working on improving eight healthy habits (healthy body weight, breakfast, snacks, alcohol consumption, exercise, not smoking, sleep, stress).

Category Indicator FY2021 results FY2022 results FY2023 results
Implementation of medical examinations,
stress checks, etc.
Percentage of implementation of regular medical examinations 100% 100% 100%
Percentage of detailed medical examinations after regular medical examinations 84.0% 83.3% 84.6%
Percentage of implementation of stress checks 97.8% 96.7% 96.9%
Health guidance after regular medical examinations 100% 100% 100%
Healthy lifestyle habits
State of initiatives
Proper bodyweight 63.8% 64.9% 71.9%
Eating breakfast 81.2% 79.5% 80.5%
Proper drinking 70.4% 70.6% 71.2%
Not eating between meals 78.4% 78.6% 79.5%
Smoking bans 67.0% 69.0% 70.3%
Exercise habit 17.8% 17.9% 19.2%
Be well rested from sleep 69.1% 70.3% 67.9%
Stress-free 90.6% 90.9% 90.4%
Physical-related Percentage of Metabolic syndrome reserve group subjects 8.0% 8.0% 8.9%
Percentage of People at high risk of illness 0.9% 0.6% 0.8%
Presenteeism*2 22.7 24.6
Absenteeism*3 2.3% 2.6%
Work engagement*4 2.7

*2 Presenteeism: It refers to a state of affairs where a loss of productivity occurs as a result of a company member's ability to work being impacted by health issues. It is measured by SPQ (Single-Item Presenteeism Question). Our aim is to reach 22.1 or lower by 2025.
The survey was answered by 3,090 employees, resulting in a response rate of 81.8%.

*3 Absenteeism: Percentage of absentee due to sickness and injury(%).

*4 Work engagement: It refers to the state in which employees are positive and fulfilled in their work. It is measured by the average values of three dimensions: 'vigor', 'dedication', and 'absorption', which are shortened versions of the UWES 9-item scale. (The scores range from 0 (lowest) to 6 (highest), with higher scores indicating better well-being.) Our aim is to reach 3.0 by 2025.
The survey was answered by 3,287 employees, resulting in a response rate of 87%.

Key Initiatives

Helping employees build physical health

Exercise promotion initiatives

The Company was certified as a Sports Yell Company 2024 by the Japan Sports Agency as a company that actively promotes sports to improve the health of its employees.
With specific events such as internal relay races and other events to promote exercise, we provide opportunities and environments for exercise, such as encouraging employees to do radio calisthenics before starting work as part of their daily exercise routine and subsidizing exercise fees, such as for sports facility usage.
In addition, since FY2022, we have been conducting fitness assessments and health seminars for employees over the age of 50 to help them become aware of their physical fitness and maintain and strengthen their bodies, as well as company health events for all employees to raise awareness of the importance of exercise and create opportunities to change their awareness and behavior.

Exercise promotion initiatives

Conducting fitness assessments and health seminars for employees aged 50 and over (percentage of participants among the target group)

Healthy diet initiatives

The Company's employee cafeteria is registered with the food education and health promotion projects of the prefecture and city as an Aichi Prefecture Food Education Promotion Cooperative Eatery and an Okazaki City Health Support Facility, respectively. As such, the cafeteria offers health-conscious options, such as meals of up to 600 Calories, and displays the Calorie counts on every item on the menu. In addition, the Company shares its health concerns with the catering companies that provide food to the employee cafeteria, and they provide meals in consideration of those health issues as a monthly health event. In FY2023, we began using Pitto Reji, a cash register-style tool that which allows employees to view the calories and nutrients they consume on their smartphones at the cafeteria, and this has helped to raise employees' health awareness.

No-smoking initiatives

*5 quit smoking declaration and support system: Program to support employees to quit smoking: a program to support employees who will quit smoking provides support from surrounding colleagues for employees who declare they will take on the challenge of quitting smoking, ahead of prohibit smoking on all company property on April 1, 2025.

State of participation in the Stop Smoking Challenge(Non-consolidated)

FY 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of Participants 24 40 25 8
Percentage of achievement 50.0% 30.0% 46.0% 87.5%

Participants in cancer screening awareness events (percentage of participants among all employees)

FY 2021 2022 2023
Participation rate 14.2%

Helping employees build mental health

*6 Four types of mental health care in mental health guidelines:
Refers to initiatives for four kinds of mental health action as defined by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare. There are four approaches: (1) self-care, (2) care by management and supervisors, (3) care by industrial health staff, etc. placed at offices, and (4) care by external resources.