Basic approach
The Futaba Group positions the promotion of DE&I as one of its key management strategies aimed at achieving sustainable growth. In accordance with our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement, we will actively strive to further expand and improve our systems and change the mindset of employees as we aim for the "every employee plays an active role" in which each individual can leverage his or her strengths and feel motivated as they challenge themselves and actively participate.
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Statement
- We will value differences among individuals in gender, age, race, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, religion and belief, values,workstyle, lifestyle, background, and others, and consider their diversity the driving force for new value creation and growth.
- By offering support and consideration tailored to the individual, we provide everyone with a fair opportunity to challenge themselves.
- We will strive to create work environments in which employees respect and appreciate each other's personality and mutually enhance one another, thereby enabling teams to produce best outcomes.
- As a global monozukuri company with leading technologies, we will offer solid value in terms of the clean & green, peace of mind, and quality of life to more people around the world through our diverse people that enhance their creativity and ability to take action and that take initiative.
Strengthening the diversity promotion framework
In January 2024, we established the Diversity Promotion Section, a dedicated department within the General Affairs and Human Resources Center and started its activities to further strengthen the DE&I mindset of each and every employee. This is also designed to revitalize organizational culture that serves as the foundation for realizing "every employee plays an active role," in which diverse human resources can maximize their abilities, in addition to workplace environments and systems that we have built up.
Initiatives to revitalize the organizational culture
Promotion of diversity, equity, and inclusion
In 2023, we carried out multiple activities mindful of diversity and inclusion, the D and I of DE&I. This included encouraging the use of "san (honorific suffix)" instead of job titles, color unification of neck lanyards, and use of the hot-desking system for offices, achieving a flatter organization. As for equity (E), we also enhanced our benefit systems by introducing a cafeteria plan. As for training, we held a lecture on creating a psychologically safe workplace and harassment training, making efforts to foster an open workplace culture.
Creating workplaces with high psychological safety
In FY2024, we carried out training using original educational videos. The appearance of our employees in these videos created buzz about psychological safety in the workplace, and provided an opportunity for many employees to take ownership of the matter. In addition, a model workplace was selected, and efforts were launched to realize a workplace with high psychological safety through six months of on-the-job training.
Grassroots Activities
We began holding face-to-face interviews on workplace conditions to gauge employees' motivation and satisfaction. These interviews are designed to help us meet the expectations of employees who want to work with a sense of fulfillment by helping to explore and implement new measures based on interview content and by effectively implementing existing measures. This is an important activity toward reaching a state where "every employee plays an active role."
Female empowerment initiatives
We aim to become a company where female employees can also demonstrate their full potential and work actively, while finding their jobs fulfilling and feeling personal growth. Until now, we have focused our efforts on creating an environment that made it possible to work flexibly even after life events. (For program details, see page 50.)
In May 2024, we obtained "Kurumin" certification from the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare as a company supporting childcare. Going forward, we will use our set KPIs, such as increasing the percentage of female managers and hiring more new female graduates, to empower women further and develop a working environment where employees feel fulfilled in their work, and put more effort into developing female employees.

Voluntary action plan for promoting female employees to managers and executives
As part of our effort to promote diversity management, we will systematically develop and promote female employees so that they can become managers in the future, aiming to raise the percentage of female managers to 3% or more of the total managers by 2025 and 5% or more by 2030.
Percentage of female managers and executives(non-consolidated)
FY | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Female executives* | 8.3% | 8.3% | 7.7% | 7.7% | 9.1% |
Female managers | 0.3% | 0.9% | 0.9% | 1.1% | 1.3% |
*Executives:Director, Audit & Supervisory Board Member
Percentage of new female graduates(on career track; non-consolidated)
FY | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Percentage | 14.8% | 17.0% | 11.9% | 12.5% | 20.0% |
Initiatives to create a fulfilling working environment and enhance employee development
From FY2022, we have continued to hold career design training for female employees and diversity management training for their supervisors to support female employees with their career-building. Female employees were able to sketch out their career plans for the medium- to long-term future, while their supervisors learned about the particularities specific to women's career-building and considered what initiatives and actions they could take as managers. In FY2024, we launched an exchange meeting, known as "Will Cafe," designed to help women share concerns about career development and work-life balance, promoting the discovery of role models, public faces of the company, and ways of working, and building relationships among women. We also hold roundtable discussions as a forum for managers with female subordinates to share ideas and ideas for the development and support of female employees. We will consider and advance measures based on the opinions elicited through "Will Cafe" and roundtable discussions.
Initiatives to eliminate the gender pay gap
If the pay level of male employees at Futaba were set at 100, then the pay level of female employees would be 71. Although we use the same pay structure for men and women, a gender pay gap does exist due to differences such as staff composition, types of occupation, rank, and ways of working. In particular, the fact that the percentage of female managers is lower than that of men is the main factor behind the pay gap between men and women. In order to increase the percentage of female managers, each employee and their supervisor review their individual career plans according to their life stage every year, and systematically advance their careers to become managers.
Initiatives for reemployment after mandatory retirement
Futaba has a system for rehiring employees after their mandatory retirement to offer them an opportunity to work and pass on their technical capabilities and skills to the next generation. In compliance with laws and regulations, we rehire all those who wish to be re-employed. We reviewed the system to treat rehired employees according to their roles so that they can find their jobs fulfilling after their mandatory retirement, with a view to Japan's declining workforce due to the aging population and lower birth rate.
We are also promoting other initiatives, such as holding seminars that teach employees how to build assets at life milestones and health seminars that teach them how to stay healthy, providing physical fitness testing in order to raise awareness of career building and staying healthy during years of service before retirement and to encourage employees to work in better condition for many years to come. Another is establishing universal lines (low-workload production lines) for elderly and female employees to work in an easier way.
Number of rehired employees over time (non-consolidated)
FY | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Number of rehired employees | 128 | 138 | 129 | 181 | 249 |
*The number of rehired employees is the number of people registered with us aged 60 to 65 at the end of each fiscal year
Initiatives for hiring people with disabilities
Futaba works proactively to hire people with disabilities in support of their independence and participation in society. With an employment rate of 2.72% in FY2023, we have maintained the statutory requirement of 2.5%.
We provide training programs to improve understanding at the workplaces that people with disabilities will belong to, and they have an interview with the Human Resources Division on an individual basis, in order to improve their work environments.
Percentage of employees with disabilities(non-consolidated)
FY | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Percentage of employees with disabilities | 2.27% | 2.38% | 2.52% | 2.66% | 2.72% |
Recruitment initiatives
To hire diverse people on a global basis regardless of gender, nationality, age, or other attributes, we provide interviewer training to employees in charge of recruitment so that they will look at applicants from fair, equal, and objective perspectives. In addition, we actively conduct direct recruitment, recruitment of semi-recent university graduates, and employment support in cooperation with labor associations and chambers of commerce, resulting in the acquisition of valuable human resources who bring new knowledge, values, and ideas.
Percentage of mid-career hires(non-consolidated)
FY | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Percentage | 20.6% | 23.1% | 27.1% | 26.3% | 27.5% |
Percentage of temporary workers becoming regular employees(non-consolidated)
FY | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 | 2023 |
Percentage | 82.4% | 76.7% | 73.0% | 95.2% | 73.3% |