In support of the Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs), which are common goals of the international community, the Futaba Group has established Priority Issues(Materiality) in FY2020. These are aimed at solving environmental and social issues through our business activities and strengthening the management foundation that support the solution.
Priority Issues(Materiality)
The Priority Issues (Materiality) are for the Futaba Group to achieve the Strategic SDGs (6 out of 17 goals within the SDGs framework) that have the highest priority from both stakeholders' and our business perspectives. To integrate these issues with Business Strategy, we categorized them into three themes: (1) Sustainable Growth, (2) Sustainable Production, and (3) Sustainable Management Foundation.

Integration into Management
SDGs Project Management Offices and Responsible Dept. are integrating the SDGs into their business activities while also incorporating them into the medium-term management plan and corporate global policy.
We will continue to promote activities by implementing the PDCA cycle, as well as regular checks and follow-ups to achieve our goals.